Summer Academy: Philosophical perspectives on language in pre-modern South Asia

EurAsia Summer Academy: Vienna Summer School on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Asia

The Eurasia Summer Academy - Vienna Summer school on the History and Cultures of Asia will offer an intensive one-week seminar on the debate on the nature of language in South Asian philosophical traditions. It is aimed at students interested in reading scientific Sanskrit works that refer to linguistic concepts. Participants will work intensively with established experts based at the IKGA and the ISTB. The school will encompass in-depth discussions and hands-on exploration of fundamental topics related to how South Asian philosophers grappled with language, based on primary sources. This will include tackling issues such as word and sentence meanings, delving into highly original theories like sphoṭa, and exploring the intricate relationship between language and consciousness. Participants will receive a comprehensive introduction to the key theories from various traditions in the complex and multifaceted South Asian intellectual landscape, including Nyāya, Vyākaraṇa, Vedānta, and Buddhism. Expert lectures on specific subjects will be enriched by focused readings of relevant texts in the original Sanskrit.

Further information.

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