

The Institute of Iranian Studies (IFI) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences (OeAW), Austria’s leading non-university research and science institution,...

21.03.2025 15:00

The cluster members will present their current research results in a poster session, aimed at facilitation exchange and discussion and generating...


The Faculty of Philological and Cultural Studies is offering workshops in audio and video technology, as well as in eye tracking and motion capture.


Those interested in pre-modern China have the opportunity to participate in reading groups for beginners and intermediates held by the Clusters...

06.03.2025 16:45

James Burgin, the visiting professor of the Cluster of Excellence, will be holding two classes at the Department for Near Eastern Studies at the...

04.03.2025 18:00

Animal husbandry played an important role in PIE society and is often seen as a key factor in the spread of the IE daughter languages.


Blog / Christine Frank

Likes für "Die Schalek in Japan"

Die Kriegsberichterstatterin Alice Schalek nutzte eine Reise nach Ostasien als Bühne für...

21.01.2025 18:00

Sound repetition and other text-structuring devices in early Chinese technical manuscripts


Unfolding an Unacknowledged Written Cultural Heritage: Armeno-Turkish Manuscripts, Prints and Newspapers (6-9 August 2025)

29.11.2024 16:00

Flaminia Pischedda, the new Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Premodern China from the “EurAsian Transformations” Cluster of Excellence, is inviting to...

29.11.2024 09:00

Source Reading Workshop in the Series "Connectivist Perspectives on the Cultural and Intellectual History of Buddhism: South Asia, Tibet, and Beyond"


Cultural and Linguistic Diversity

20 to 22 November 2024