News and Events

16.04.2024 17:00

About scratchings, scribblings and Buddhists in the west of the Indian ocean

15.04.2024 10:00

Prof. Izdebski and Dr Liakopoulos will present some results of their projects on the interplay between societies of the past, natural environment and...

21.03.2024 18:00

The lecture series focuses on the long lines in the history of Nordic-Russian relations between conflict and coexistence.

21.03.2024 08:15

Evolution or Diffusion?

Since the postulation of the international blue blindness of antiquity by the later English Prime Minister William Gladstone...

20.03.2024 10:30

The conference will follow and reconstruct the essential steps and developments in the creation of this new worldview that can be characterized as a...

08.03.2024 15:00

The cluster members will present their current research results in a poster session, aimed at facilitation exchange and discussion and generating...