
12.01.2024 12:00

An excellent opportunity for you to learn more about the Cluster, the resources and support available to help you excel in your academic pursiuts.

15.12.2023 09:30

Early Medieval Irrigation Systems in the Kathmandu Valley Evaluating lessons from the past for the future


The case of Frangochiotika

Thursday December 14, 2023

Location: Athens

Start: 10:00

29.11.2023 16:00

The Achaemenid-Persian Empire at its heyday?

The era between Darius II and Darius III

20.11.2023 16:30

Members of the Cluster of Excellence "EurAsian Transformations" aim to showcase the Cluster by exploring the histories of selected representative...


A radical new account of how the idea of the West has shaped our history, told through the stories of fourteen fascinating lives by Naoise Mac...